Neighbors & Nations February 2025

Noon in the Cafe (RSVP Required)
Monday Nights Mar 10-April 7 at the GO Center in Bonsack
(Registration required)
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In January, our Missions Director, Maegan Gahima was honored to serve as a delegate to the International Conference of The Wesleyan Church (ICWC) in Johannesburg, South Africa. She attended the conference with Janet Guthrie, the Superintendent of the Shenandoah District. The ICWC is a gathering of The Wesleyan Church globally, convening every five years in different locations. This year, the theme of the conference was "Everywhere to Everywhere, Reaching the Unreached Together". Four hundred Wesleyan Church representatives from over 50 countries gathered to learn and pray for empowerment to reach the 4 in 10 people in the world who still don't have access to the gospel. The participants heard powerful testimonies from leaders who continue to preach the gospel through times of growth and through times of persecution, and are teaching their congregations to do the same. They all stood in agreement that the gospel will reach the ends of the earth only by the power of the Holy Spirit working through the global Church! It was a wonderful time of connection, worship, and building relationships that will have ripple effects for years to come.

One of our ministry partners, Send56, has established a prayer base in Nigeria where they are training native missionaries to strategically share the gospel with unreached tribes. Last year, in a nearby village, a wave of violent persecution targeted churches and pastors. Buildings and homes were burned and many people were killed. The pastor in this photo lost his wife and five daughters. Send56 immediately responded to bring emergency aid to the affected communities. Over the past year they have built strong relationships there, as they have continued to provide support and encouragement to the vulnerable Christian survivors. Recently, they decided to plan an outreach to the same community, this time providing care packages to the very people group that initiated the violence. Parkway has partnered with the team on the ground to help them provide care packages for 30 families as an act of goodwill and as an opening to share with them about Jesus! This story is highlighted in a new film called SOJOURNERS AND EXILES which was just released by 49:TEN films. Watch the film at
One of our ministry partners, Send56, has established a prayer base in Nigeria where they are training native missionaries to strategically share the gospel with unreached tribes. Last year, in a nearby village, a wave of violent persecution targeted churches and pastors. Buildings and homes were burned and many people were killed. The pastor in this photo lost his wife and five daughters. Send56 immediately responded to bring emergency aid to the affected communities. Over the past year they have built strong relationships there, as they have continued to provide support and encouragement to the vulnerable Christian survivors. Recently, they decided to plan an outreach to the same community, this time providing care packages to the very people group that initiated the violence. Parkway has partnered with the team on the ground to help them provide care packages for 30 families as an act of goodwill and as an opening to share with them about Jesus! This story is highlighted in a new film called SOJOURNERS AND EXILES which was just released by 49:TEN films. Watch the film at

The Parkway Men's Group is at it again! This month, they responded to a need through the Care Portal network for a family of 11 that had been living in a hotel since November. The parents have two biological children and took in seven of a relative's children who had been living in very unsafe conditions due to drug abuse. After taking in these children, a house fire forced them out of their home and many repairs needed to be made before they could move back home. The men's group purchased the paint, and group members along with volunteers from other churches in the valley were able to completely paint the house on a Saturday morning! Check out the Parkway Men site for more information on their schedule of events:

Savannah Werle is a beautiful example of the way God works in the hearts of young people as they discover His plan for the nations! Savannah felt a call to missions about a year ago, and has continued to pray and discover how she can play her part in the Great Commission to make disciples of all nations. Savannah is currently serving with Friendship House Roanoke as an English Club helper, coming alongside English learners from different countries. Savannah will also be serving cross culturally this summer through a NEXT internship with Global Partners. We are so proud of Savannah for her YES, and look forward to seeing what God does in and through her this summer in Australia!
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Parkway Men
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