Opportunities to Serve
Who does CarePortal help?
First and foremost, CarePortal exists to help vulnerable children and families. Requests submitted through CarePortal come from caseworkers at government child welfare agencies or other child-serving organizations approved by CarePortal to vet needs. Churches can also identify and submit needs within their own church and community through the Church Entered Needs feature.
The Parkway Community Care Team responds to CarePortal requests in our community. If you would like to be a part of the Community Care Team, email Maegan Gahima at mgahima@parkwayroanoke.com.
They are able to provide immigration legal services at a fraction of the cost someone would pay an attorney. Services that cost $3,000-$5,000+ with an attorney cost our clients only about $350. All of their legal representatives are accredited by the Department of Justice and have had the specific, focused education and experience to provide the highest quality of immigration legal services to clients while keeping legal fees affordable.
There are not enough immigration legal services providers in the country, and just like there are “food deserts” where a community doesn’t have access to a good grocery store, there are immigration legal service deserts in both rural and urban areas. In a system where timeliness matters, this is a big deal! Immigrant Connection continues to expand into areas and regions with growing foreign-born populations that have limited or no access to immigration legal services.
Immigrant Connection sites are hosted by local churches because they are motivated by God’s love for immigrants. The benefits of being church-based are also numerous – church-based sites drastically reduce overhead costs associated with launching and running a legal office, churches are known in local communities as places of refuge and hospitality, and holistic services are often offered through local churches.
The Roanoke area Immigrant Connection site is located at 3706 Peters Creek Rd. Roanoke, VA 24019.
Appointments: 540-581-2963
For more information or to volunteer contact Maegan Gahima at mgahima@parkwayroanoke.com
One of Restoring Hope Roanoke’s passions is helping local churches engage with their communities. They help church leaders and congregations create and carry out customized plans for meeting their neighbors, learning their needs, and engaging in ways that are helpful, rather than hurtful, and point others to Jesus.
Restoring Hope Roanoke always updates a vast list of serving opportunities in our area. Click here to find out more.
The Agape Center is a God directed outreach ministry with the goal of attending to the felt needs of man while addressing man’s spiritual needs in a manner that gives God the glory.
The Agape Center needs volunteers Thursdays at 10 am for mentorship, food distribution, administration tasks, information technology, receptionist, data clerk, cleaning, maintenance, donation sorting, and many other volunteer opportunities.
Anyone interested in volunteering can email mgahima@parkwayroanoke.com!
The Blue Ridge Women’s Center improves the well-being of women and their families through a medical clinic specialized in unplanned pregnancy, relationships, and reproductive health.
Over 50% of all pregnancies are unplanned, leaving many women feeling alone and uncertain of her future. By providing a safe environment to be heard and supported, Blue Ridge Women’s Center equips each woman to make an informed decision for her and her family.
There are many opportunities to serve at the Blue Ridge Women’s Center. Volunteer positions include ultrasound chaperone, sonographer, nurse, physicians assistant, nurse practitioners, cleaning volunteers, and pregnancy options counselors.
Email mgahima@parkwayroanoke.com for more information.
The Roanoke Rescue Mission has been serving the valley since 1948. They have continued a tradition of comprehensive care to those in crisis. The Rescue Mission is a Christ centered, grass roots organization offering programs to help people physically, physiologically, socially, and spiritually. Here is a review of the services they provided in 2020.
There are so many opportunities to serve at the Roanoke Rescue Mission. One particular ministry that Parkway supports is Manna Mission Food Pantry.
If you are interested in serving, please contact mgahima@parkwayroanoke.com!
Check out the Rescue Mission’s Website for more opportunities to serve with your family, or even your Life Group. Click the link below: https://rescuemission.net/
The Lampstand is empowering the lives of those vulnerable to and affected by sexual exploitation in two strategic ways; awareness and support. The Lampstand safehome opened in March 2022 in Southwest Virginia. Our residential program provides a safe space and comprehensive trauma-informed care for girls who have experienced sexual exploitation.
Parkway Church supports The Lampstand financially and has also been active in collecting donations for the residential center. They are always in need of specific items for their clients. For a list of current needs click here.
Visit The Lampstand’s website for more information. The Lampstand
If you would like to get involved, email mgahima@parkwayroanoke.com
Friendship House Roanoke, Inc, is committed to working alongside local Christian churches to faithfully serve the surrounding neighborhood with the teaching, grace and mercy found in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
If you would like to get involved, email mgahima@parkwayroanoke.com